Klimatická kríza
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Climate Crisis.txt is the third collection of the edition compiled by the APART art collective, the Display research and art association and the engaged monthly Kapitál. In its selection of five texts, it seeks to look at the climate crisis from different perspectives, whether in relation to its media aesthetic representation, necropolitics and care for wilderness, labor and capital, or psychoanalysis and ethics.
Klimatická kríza je treťou zbierkou edície, ktorú zostavuje umelecký kolektív APART, výskumné a umeleckého združenie Display a angažovaný mesačník Kapitál. Vo výbere piatich textov sa snaží nahliadať na problematiku klimatickej krízy z rôznych perspektív, či už vo vzťahu k jej mediálnej estetickej reprezentácii, nekropolitike a starostlivosti o divočinu, práci a kapitálu alebo psychoanalýze a etike.
Klimatickú krízu chápe tiež ako feministický problém. Aj keď sa všetky zaoberajú tým istým problémom, každý sa vydáva svojou vlastnou trajektóriou a vykresľuje inú časť mozaiky klimatickej krízy, v ktorej sa nachádzame.
Čakajú vás texty T.J. Demosa, Critical Art Ensemble, Karmíny, Wendy Lynne Lee, Donny M. Orange. Edícia .txt prináša súbor prekladov významných svetových mysliteliek a mysliteľov, ako aj pôvodných slovenských či českých textov, ktoré promptne reagujú na najnovšie filozofické, kultúrne, umelecké a spoločenské fenomény.
Tieto eseje sa pohybujú na pomedzí akademického a umeleckého výskumu a angažovanej praxe aktívne sa zapájajú do spoločenskej debaty, exponujú problémy, ktoré ich trápia; ich hlas nie je tichý a rezignovaný, je výrazný a naliehavý. Práve pre tieto hlasy chce byť edícia .txt otvorenou platformou.
Climate crisis.txt
Climate crisis.txt is the third collection of the edition compiled by the APART Collective, Display – Association for Research and Collective Practice, and the engaged monthly Kapitál. In the selection of five texts, the book tries to look at the issue of the climate crisis from different perspectives, whether concerning its media aesthetic representation, necropolitics, and care for the wilderness, work, and capital or psychoanalysis and ethics. It also sees the climate crisis as a feminist problem.
Although all texts deal with “the same problem”, each sets out its trajectory and depicts a different part of the mosaic of the climate crisis in which we find ourselves. The book brings texts by T.J. Demos, Critical Art Ensemble, Carmines, Wendy Lynne Lee, Donny M. Orange.
The .txt edition brings a set of translations of important world thinkers, as well as original Slovak or Czech texts, which promptly respond to the latest philosophical, cultural, artistic, and social phenomena. These essays move on the border between academic and artistic research and engaged practice, they are actively involved in the social debate, exposing the problems that bother them; their voice is not quiet and resigned, it is strong and urgent. The .txt edition wants to be an open platform for these voices.
Klimatická Kríza.txt
Essays © T. J. Demos, Critical Art Ensemble, Carmine, Wendy Lynne Lee, Donna M. Orange
Introduction © Peter Sit
- Language: Slovak
- Visual identity © Magda Scheryová
- Graphic design and typesetting © Magda Scheryová
- Typed in STIXGeneral
- Translations: Vít Bohal, Zuzana Hrivňáková, Olga Pek, Martina Makara
- Proofreading: Ján Ballx, Juliana Beňová, Vít Bohal, Dagmar Pilařová, Elena Teplanová, Jana Vicenová
- The dramaturgy of texts: Peter Sit
- Acknowledgments: Ján Ballx, Jim Fleming – Autonomedia
- Published by © Apart, Display – Association for Research and Collective Practice, Kapitál MMXIX
ISBN 9788097156930
120 pages
First edition
600 pcs
The book was published with the support of the Slovak Arts Council.
All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the copyright owner.