Neviditeľná staroba.txt


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The collection of texts Neviditeľná staroba.txt reveals, through three translated and authorial texts by Linn Sandberg, Jolana Novotná, Marlene Goldman, […]

The collection of texts Neviditeľná staroba.txt reveals, through three translated and authorial texts by Linn Sandberg, Jolana Novotná, Marlene Goldman, May Chazan, and Melissa Baldwin, one of the least visible parts of life in old age – experiencing sexuality and sexual relationships. They refute myths about the asexuality of elder people and show that sexuality in mature age is made up of a wide variety of erotic and emancipatory expressions.


Neviditeľná Staroba.txt is the second book of the new edition compiled by Display – Association for Research and Collective Practice, Slovak engaged monthly Kapitál and artistic collective APART. The .txt edition presents essays that respond to current artistic and social trends that, despite their urgency, do not have significant representation in neither Czech nor Slovak context.


Neviditeľná staroba.txt
Texts © Jolana Novotná, Linn Sandberg, Marlene Goldman, May Chazan, Melissa Baldwin
Introduction © Tomáš Hučko, Zuzana Jakalová, MMIX
Language: Slovak
Visual identity © Magda Scheryová
Graphic design and typesetting © Magda Scheryová
Typed in STIXGeneral
Translations: Zuzana Hrivňáková, Zuzana Miháliková, Olga Pek
Proofreading: Tímea Beck, Juliana Beňová, Martina Ligurská, Dagmar Pilařová
The dramaturgy of texts: Tomáš Hučko, Zuzana Jakalová, MMIX
Published by © Apart, Display – Association for Research and Collective Practice, Kapitál MMXIX
ISBN 9788097156923
118 pages
First edition
600 pcs


The book was published with the support of the Slovak Arts Council.

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