Erik janeček & Andrej Žabkay - "You can't touch the property that is in private ownership"
A situation on the riverside unfolds from the abstract shape of a monument near the Slovak National Museum, which evokes the limb of a cumbersome prehistoric animal whose claws have been sawn off. With claws, perceived as a symbol of power, the situation addresses the question of freedom, its fragile being and its unclear future, and draws attention to the political manoeuvres of the present day. Who is it that is once again thrusting out a powerful claw; who is treading with heavy feet on somebody’s territory? Should we not by now be looking at manifestations of power as something prehistoric, preserved and situated in the diorama of a museum? The present day, however, offers another, more disturbing view of doings in the world. The problem which the situation collides with is more than topical, it is acute.
Situation #7 took place on 14th of June in bratislava
Project initiated by Erik Janeček and Andrej Žabkay
Realised in the framework of Small/Big World project
Handle with care - Fragile - Thank you
19.2. 2016 – 9.3. 2016
Bachorík, Blažo, Ďurček, Gavula, Grúň, Janeček, Kochan, Kozerawski, Sit, Tittel, Žabkay
fotky vernisáž: Filip Vančo
fotky inštalácia: Andrej Žabkay
Bratislava 8.11.2015 10:30 – 14:30
Performative walk through Bratislava documented by photos and videos.
full documentation
There is no place like home. East or west, home is the best
Kunsthalle Košice
11.6.2015, 18:00
curated by Vladimír Beskid
until 16.8.2015
On the the exhibition with the name “There is no place like home. East or west, home is the best ” at Kunsthalle/Hall of art, will present seven artists to the public – Cyril Blažo, Miroslav Csolle, Matej Gavula, Erik Janeček, Denis Kozerawski, Peter Sit, Milan Tittel, Martin Vongrej and Andrej Žabkay. Viewers can familiarize with their works from 11 th of June till 16 th of August. Together they are focused on demonstrating performance, discovering various ephemeral, banal situations of everyday reality, sometimes with a hint of analysis and sometimes from a position of observers and non-interested witnesses. Presentation of their collective work will start with the opening ceremony on 11 th of June at 6 o’clock in the evening. In connection with the mark of XYZ, artists create an specific form of collective existence and artist’s reflection of reality. More than material artifacts – objects, to them are comments of experienced and thought, discovered situations, found relations, which they often materialize and visualize with minimalistic ways forms their characteristic expression. “Original plan to present works of group XYZ (Milan Tittel, Matej Gavula) expanded into free meetings of Bratislava’s middle and younger generation artists. Their common starting points are post-conceptual approaches, short video actions and sketches, various small inputs, commentaries and interventions into public space,” said the curator Vladimir Beskid. He adds that the central projection at the exhibition will be a montage of looped videos, which capture numerous actions and interventions in urban space of Bratislava. Intuitive and parallel were the interests in certain points, places and situations in the city( Námestie Slobody, waterfront of the Danube, ArtHall etc. ). Besides that, there should be several more video projection in the space and objects, prints, archives of thematically selected photographs (solar, lunar, astronomical etc.) should be found there as well. Finally the group of artists will prepare several actions right in the city of Košice as their own video analysis of the city, capturing the unique and unrepeatable atmosphere of the east metropolis without its metro. Exhibition at Hall of Art in Košice is a collaboration sequel of group XYZ with collective of young authors, featuring under the label “APART” (Erik Janeček, Denis Kozerawski, Peter Sit and Andrej Žabkay). Together they realized such conceptual outputs as “Coast of Goofnes” , “29 th august” , in the flat of Miroslav Csolle, “Videogoulash” at Photoport Gallery, etc. This event is co-funded from grant system of Slovakian Ministry of Culture
Vladimir Beskid
29. August
26.2. 2015 ŠTVRTOK 18:00
Bratislavské bytové domy zakladajú prirodzený sociálny kolorit mesta. Sú ako pľúca organizmu. Mesto nimi dýcha a okysličuje atmosféru ulíc. Schátrané objekty, vyhĺbené jamy a prázdne oplotené pozemky postupne miznú, na ich miestach sa vynímajú defektné zrkadlové siluety nových budov. Staré bytové domy tu zostávajú, menia sa len ich majitelia. Pre mnohých sú nehnuteľnosťami, realitami, ich hodnota sa meria v číslach. Byt na ulici 29. augusta sa nachádza na samom okraji Starého mesta, v modernej zástavbe s kubistickými prvkami, kde kedysi žili robotníci a úradníci, racujúci v prístave a v neďalekých továrňach. Dnes sa fasáda domu pozerá na gigantické stavenisko, ktoré sa čoskoro zmení na jeden z produktov ekonomického zázraku krajiny a stane sa pýchou jej prosperity. Ekonomická súťaž tvrdo dopadla aj na to, ako umelci vnímajú pocit spoločného. Kedysi sa spoločné rovnalo kolektívne, a jednoducho bolo dané zhora. Mimo to sa vzájomnosť spontánne prijímala skôr na princípoch polupatričnosti, než v rovine určitého vopred definovaného záujmu. Miro Csölle svoj byt na treťom poschodí, na ulici 29. Augusta, po tom, čo ho vyprázdnil a pred tým, než ho postúpil novým majiteľom, zmenil na dočasný výstavný priestor. Byt, čo bol dovtedy miestom osobných spomienok a detských hier, teraz, dočasne, na niekoľko dní prenechal spoločnej výstave, aby tu vznikla Situácia # 4. Inštaláciami pripravenými špecificky pre toto miesto, intervenciami improvizovaných objektov, performačnými procesmi a fotografiami Situácia # 4 premenila priestor bytu na prostredie živého spoločenstva. Prinesené aj improvizované objekty sa nachádzali nielen konvenčne zavesené na stenách. Bytová výstava prerástla do enklávy. Do inštalácií boli zapojené parkety, praskliny v dlažbe, balkón, bytový zvonček, záchod, umývadlo, osvetlenie, ústredné kúrenie, okná ... Sú to momenty, kedy diela a procesy získavajú nový kontext v spontánnej zrážke s ďalšími dielami a procesmi. Nemyslím si, že táto výstava má niečo spoločné s undergroundom či étosom „neoficiálneho“ umenia. Skôr išlo o improvizované stretnutie tvorivých individualít, ktoré našli spoločnú reč. Nie náhodou sa tu našli predstavitelia dvoch generácií v dvadsaťročnom medzičase. Jedni sa tak trochu obhliadli späť (Cyril Blažo, Miro Csölle, Matej Gavula, Milan Tittel) a druhí (Erik Janeček, Denis Kozerawski, Peter Sit, Andrej Žabkay) sa možno utvrdili v pocite, že nešliapu do nedotknutej zeme. Táto výstava sa udiala spontánne, čím potvrdila sympatie a číru radosť z kontinuity.